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How it works

  • You must have a DVSA practical driving test booked. If you don’t then click here
  • After applying, we will start looking for a sooner test for you immediately and will continue to search every few minutes from 6am until 11:40pm every day.
  • As well as your current driving test centre, you can choose up to 3 additional test centres to take your driving test at.  Your current test centre cannot be changed however you can select not to search your original test center.
  • If you have selected not to get a text message before booking, we will go ahead and book you the found test. You may change this test yourself after its booked if it you want as long as its done within 3 clear working days of your test date.
  • If you have selected to receive a text before booking your test, we will send you a text message to the phone number provided on booking. Please make sure this is your correct number. If you are happy with the new test then simply reply ‘Yes’, if not reply ‘No’. Any other reply will not be recognised.You will have 10 minutes to reply, after this we cannot hold the found test.
  • If you are happy with the test then we will book it and send you an email confirmation to the email provided on booking. If not, we will continue searching for a another test.
  • We will refund you your full cost if we cannot find you a DVSA driving test within the time frame we from activating our service. If you refuse a found test then you will not be eligible for a refund. If you have selected to receive a text before booking your test and you do not reply within 10 minutes then you will not be eligible for a refund.
  • If you have recently failed driving test then the earliest you can take a driving test is 10 working days, however you do not need to wait the 10 days to apply for your test.
  • You can select the earliest date you would like your test, as well as, up to 10 dates you cannot take your test. Please note, any restrictions increase to period in which we find your test.
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